Biden’s Potential Cabinet Looks Horrifying

…unless you’re a weapons dealer.

Kevin Breidenbach
4 min readOct 18, 2020

Recently, Jake Sherman of Politico tweeted out a list of likely Biden cabinet members. Other sources have reported on this previously as well, and for anyone who’s been paying attention to U.S. politics for any length of time, this is some truly chilling stuff, or at least, it should be.

There’s a lot of frighteningly familiar names in that list, but this article will concentrate on the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense positions, because there’s some especially troubling details there.

The first name that may jump out to many is Susan Rice, due to her long experience in politics. That might sound good, but much of that experience is involvement with U.S. militarism abroad. She supported the invasion of Iraq, backed warlords in Africa during the Rwanda genocide, and was a driving force in the U.S. role in Libya and Syria.

Also on that list is Tony Blinken. He also has a fair bit of history, but we actually don’t have to dig far to figure out where he stands, because he…



Kevin Breidenbach

Mountain hermit, maker of strange noises. Deeply disturbed, but not surprised. He/him.