No Relief In Sight For Americans

…but don’t worry, the oil subsidies aren’t going anywhere.

Kevin Breidenbach


Photo Wikimedia Commons | CC BY 2.5

News from the Senate suggests that we are unlikely to see even a ‘skinny’ stimulus package before November. While an estimated 30–40 million Americans face eviction, they seem to be haggling over the price tag of relief, playing their typical game of good cop/bad cop, putting the squeeze on the American people. Just like in the other version, there is actually no ‘good cop’ here. One could only speculate about what they might be thinking, but despite what they say, helping us is clearly not a big priority, and they seem to have a very different idea of what’s happening than we do. Let’s just look at the situation.

You may recall that Pelosi turned down a vote to continue the federal unemployment extension in late August, saying that it wasn’t a good strategic move, because “the Republicans would like to pass something like that and say forget about it.” She probably wasn’t wrong then, nor is she wrong now when she says that the roughly $1 trillion that the Republicans are putting on the table is likely not enough. However, with the election right around the corner, a cynical person might also wonder if the Democrats are using this as a campaign tactic to keep things looking bad for Trump.



Kevin Breidenbach

Mountain hermit, maker of strange noises. Deeply disturbed, but not surprised. He/him.