Why we need to remind the bosses who’s boss

Kevin Breidenbach
5 min readJul 23, 2020

…and how to do so

Even before the pandemic, things were bad for American workers. According to a 2017 CareerBuilder report, 78% of US workers were already living paycheck-to-paycheck, and more than a quarter of workers were unable to set aside any savings. United for ALICE is an organization that studies “financial hardship across the United States,” and their national overview based on a 3-year average between 2014 and 2017 paints a disturbing picture of how many people in the US were already unable to support their families, even with jobs.



Kevin Breidenbach

Mountain hermit, maker of strange noises. Deeply disturbed, but not surprised. He/him. https://mastodon.social/@noisenerd